Mobile JobSheet Help Site

The Status Board Module

The Status Board provides the manager/admin with an instant picture of all the jobs in the system and the progress they are making
This module can be switched on in the configuration panel and in a larger office you could choose to have a separate screen running which just displays the status board for all to see.

To switch the Status Board on and configure it to suit your office settings just follow the short step-by-step guide below or you can watch this short video The Status Board :
1.   Log into the Management Web Portal and the first page you come to will be the Active Jobs page . Click on the tab that says Configuration and a drop-down box will appear under the tab. Click on the Configuration page link and this will redirect you to the Administration Settings page.
2.   On the Administration Settings click on the Show Options box within the Select Modules section at the bottom right of the page. This will open up a new section below with options for various modules that can be turned on.
3.   In the Select Required Report Options section click the toggle next to the Status Report option to turn the module on. Then click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.
4.   Your Status Board will now be activated and if you go to the Mobile JobSheet Menu at the very top of the page and then click on the tab that says Reports you can select and open your Status Board from the drop down menu.
5.   You should now have the Status Board displayed on your screen. The display will be separated into columns depending on the "Job Status" choices you have added to the system. By default this will include "On site" and "In progress". Within the Status Board there are options to change job tracking to/from hours or days and also to change the order the different Job Status are displayed in:
6.   To return to your Active Jobs just click on the Go to Active Jobs button in the top left of your screen.
7.   A few points to note with your Status Board:
The Board will automatically refresh every 15 minutes but you can also manually refresh the page by clicking on the refresh button on your browser at any time.
If you wish to have the Status Board permanently displayed in the office you can have a separate PC and screen logged in and running Mobile JobSheet.
When you turn on the Status Board any jobs you start or change the status of after this point will be tracked on the Status Board. (i.e. tracking only begins going forwards, change the status of a job after you have turned on the Status Board and it will be tracked.)
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